Indian Culture-1: Religions of India

Indian Culture-1: Religions of India

The tradition of living a religious life in India is called With the establishment of Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism, religion became a major part of Indian life. India is a country of religions like Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Jain, Sikh, Buddhist, Parsi etc. Every religion has its own importance of places of worship, festivals, deities, except for some disparities. Hinduism has the largest number of followers in India, which is 80% of India's population. Muslim is the second largest minority religion of India.

Hindu Religion

Hinduism is the largest religion of India. It is basically based on the four Vedas which are the oldest compositions in the world. Apart from this, eighteen Puranas, one hundred and eight Upanishads, Ramayana and Mahabharata are also the main texts of Hinduism. The three main deities in this are Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva. Shri Ram is the hero of Ramayana while Shri Krishna is the hero of Mahabharata. Hinduism is the largest religion in Nepal apart from India.


Jainism is one of the ancient religions of the world. There were a total of twenty four Tirthankaras in which Vardhaman Mahavira was the last Tirthankara. Vardhaman Mahavira gave a comprehensive form to Jainism. In Jainism, there were two musicals in history. It is based on right knowledge, right conduct, right faith. Jainism is completely non-violent religion.


Buddhism was founded by Gautam Buddha. He gained knowledge by taking retirement from his family. There are many similarities in the teachings of Hinduism and Buddhism. Buddhism is based on the Four Truths. In Buddhism, the eightfold path of the destruction of suffering has been told. This religion spread rapidly in Southeast Asia and China. The main texts of Triptik in this religion are Abhidhamma Pitaka, Sutta Pitaka, Vinaya Pitaka.


Sikhism emerged in India in the sixteenth century. Sikhism was founded by Guru Nanak Dev. There were ten Gurus in Sikhism. Khalsa Panth was founded in 1699 AD. Guru Gobind Singh in Its scripture is Guru Granth Sahib.


Zoroastrianism was the main religion of Iran. The Parsis settled in India in the tenth century when Arab invaders invaded Iran. 85% of the people who follow Zoroastrianism in the world live in India. The scripture of Zoroastrianism is Zindabesta and the place of worship is 'Agni Mandir'.


Christianity was founded by Jesus Christ. Christianity came to India by St. Thomas who established a cathedral in Kerala. 1544 AD in India. Christian missionaries started working from Christianity spread in India even during the two hundred years of Britain's rule. The Bible is the scripture of Christians.

Islam Religion

The founder of Islam was Muhammad. Islam is the second largest religion in India after Hinduism. Islam first came to the Malabar Coast of Kerala after Arab traders. Islam flourished later during the Sultanate period and the Mughal period. The place of worship of Islam is the mosque and the scripture Quran.

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